
<aside> <img src="/icons/video-game_gray.svg" alt="/icons/video-game_gray.svg" width="40px" /> cast.game is like a stock market for casts on Farcaster - buy “shares” in casts (cast tickets) you think will trend, and win rewards if they become the most popular.


Users can bet on casts by buying “tickets” of casts created in the channel during the round. This is done with Frame transactions. The profits (minus fees) from ticket purchases are collected in a prize pool.

A round of cast.game lasts a total of 48 hours — after 24 hours ticket trading is disabled, after another 24 hours the cast (or multiple) with the highest Cast Score is chosen as the winner.

The accumulated prize pool is distributed between the winner cast’s creator (20%) and the cast’s ticket holders (80%).

Value proposition

The aim of cast.game is to help channels on Farcaster boost user engagement, attract new followers, and curate previously unknown, high-quality content using monetary incentives.

As a channel host, you can use cast.game as a tool to reward content creators and loyal followers of your channel while also monetizing the channel by earning 5% of every transaction.

Potential use case: meme/art competitions — casters are incentivized to create high-quality content and users can bet on the best submission.

How it works